Integrity and Compliance

Integrity and Compliance


Integrity and Compliance in Volkswagen Poznan

For us, integrity means showing attitude. Integrity acts as an inner compass to do the right thing out of our own conviction - regardless of economic or social pressure. To provide guidance and support, integrity is firmly anchored in our processes and decisions. In this way, we take responsibility and show attitude. This strengthens our trustworthiness and makes us even more attractive to our investors, customers and employees.

We are convinced that we can only be sustainably successful as a company if we all act with integrity and in compliance with the rules. That's why Integrity and Compliance are part of our Volkswagen Poznan GRIP 2030 strategy.

We are aware that violations of laws, rules and regulations have consequences. This is another reason why we want to be a role model in this area. We have set out the ethical basis for our actions in our Code of Conduct and in the Group Essentials, our corporate principles. We live our corporate values, principles and rules. We promote trusting, sincere and fair cooperation in order to assume responsibility and protect the Group and its employees with clear rules and clear attitudes.


If you have questions regarding Integrity and Compliance in Volkswagen Poznan please contact us:


Our Whistleblower System

Complying with statutory regulations and internal rules has top priority at Volkswagen Group.

The success of our company is based on Integrity and Compliance. To meet these standards, it is important to learn of potential employee or supplier misconduct and to put a stop to it. Therefore, we entrusted  the Central Investigation Office to operate an independent, impartial and confidential Whistleblower System on our behalf. 

The qualified and experienced colleagues at the Investigation Office examine every report and follow it up systematically. A key pillar of our Whistleblower System is the principle of procedural fairness. It also guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, persons implicated and employees contributing to the investigation of reported misconduct.

This also includes offering opportunities for anonymous reporting and communication. Volkswagen Group assures not to perform any steps in order to identify anonymous whistleblowers, who do not misuse our Whistleblower System. Retaliation of whistleblowers and all persons who contribute to investigations will not be tolerated. Persons implicated are presumed innocent until the violation is proven. Investigations will be conducted with the utmost confidentiality. The information will be processed in a fair, fast and protected process.

Detailed information on reporting misconduts is available below and on the Volskwagen Group's website: Our Whistleblower System | Volkswagen Group (

How do we process your report?

The qualified and experienced colleagues at the Investigation Office examine every report for potential misconduct by a Volkswagen Group employee thoroughly and follow it up systematically.  First, you will get a confirmation of  receipt. The Investigation Office then assesses your report. This includes gathering facts particularly from the whistleblower. Only if this initial evaluation shows grounds for suspicion of a violation an investigation by a dedicated Investigating Unit will be started. Afterwards, the results of the investigation will be assessed by the Investigation Office and appropriate measures will be recommended. Information about the status* and the outcome of the procedure will be given to you without undue delay.

Potential violations of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners by suppliers, including serious risks and violations of human rights and environment by direct and indirect suppliers, can also be reported to the Investigation Office -  as well as reports requiring otherwise immediate action. The Investigation Office will inform the responsible departments, who will process the issue accordingly. This particularly includes taking the necessary measures to minimize or end violations and/or risks.

* The processing time varies depending on the subject of the procedure.

Do you have any concern or feedback regarding a Volkswagen Poznan product or service?

If you have any questions or feedback regarding products or services provided by Volkswagen Poznan or our business partners please contact:

We kindly ask for your understanding that the Whistleblower System unfortunately cannot process customer complaints.

Making a report to our Whistleblower System.

The Whistleblower System offers various channels to report potential employee misconduct, that allow a swift review and reaction by our company if necessary.

24/7 Hotline

You can make a report at 365 days, 24 hours, using the international toll-free number:

+800 444 46300

If your local telephone provider does not support the toll-free service, you can call the following chargeable number:

+49 5361 946300

You have the option of using a web-based communication platform [Introduction (] to contact the Investigation Office in many languages. This system is confidential and technically secured.Even if your preferred language is not offered in the reporting channel, you can use any language to submit your report. You can also contact the Investigation Office in any language via e-mail or post.

Volkswagen Poznan has appointed external lawyers to act as Ombudspersons. They advise on the Whistleblower System or ensure that reports from whistleblowers are forwarded anonymously to the Investigation Office if desired.If you want to get in contact with the Ombudsperson you can find their contact details here:

You can get in contact with the Investigation Office of via e-mail:

Central Investigation Office

Postal address:

Volkswagen AG

Central Investigation Office

Mailbox 1717

Berliner Ring 2

38440 Wolfsburg 


In person:

Please make an appointment in advance by writing an E-mail to:

Do you have further questions or do you need a local contact?

Questions concerning the Whistleblower System at Volkswagen Poznan can be addressed to the Investigation Office but also to our Compliance Officer via e-mail address: