Dialogue - Września / Białężyce

Key dates of the social dialogue:


On 28 March 2019 took place the first dialogue meeting with the inhabitants of the surrounding villages located near the VW factory in Białężyce.

The many new residents had the opportunity to meet the new plant manager, Christiane Engel. Thanks to the presence of the Mayor of Września, the meeting was also an opportunity to discuss local issues under the responsibility of the City and Municipality of Września.

Many participants also took the opportunity to visit the factory and get to know the production process of Volkswagen Crafter.


Symbolicznym meczem towarzyskim pomiędzy pracownikami Volkswagen Poznań‎ z fabryki Craftera oraz mieszkańcami okolicznych miejscowości zainaugurowano otwarcie nowego boiska do piłki nożnej w Chociczy Wielkiej. Choć zdecydowanie nie wynik tu był najważniejszy, pomimo heroicznej walki reprezentacji VW, lokalna drużyna ligi wiejskiej od początku‎ kontrolowała piłkę na boisku.

Ostatecznie w meczu padło 11 bramek i zakończył się wynikiem 7:4 dla reprezentacji mieszkańców. Nowe boisko powstało z funduszu zaangażowania społecznego Volkswagen ‎Poznań, którego celem jest wsparcie najbliższego sąsiedztwa zakładów Volkswagen Poznań.


Spotkanie z mieszkańcami, podczas którego przedstawiony został status rozruchu fabryki oraz dalszych planów produkcyjnych. Przedstawiciele VWP przekazali również informacje nt. Zakładowej Straży Pożarnej . Po krótkiej prezentacji mieszkańcy mogli zwiedzić halę budowy karoserii oraz montażu.


Ostatnie spotkanie z mieszkańcami przed oficjalnym otwarciem fabryki. Zaproszeni mieszkańcy mogli zapoznać się z procesami produkcyjnymi hali montażu i spawalni. Podczas spotkania przedstawiciele Zakładu podsumowali minione dwa lata budowy fabryki oraz podziękowali mieszkańcom za dotychczasowe spotkania, otwartość, zaufanie oraz współpracę. Następne spotkanie z mieszkańcami zaplanowano na 17.03.2017 r.


We are building a football pitch.More than 30 volunteers, VW employees and residents of Chocicza Wielka, Chocicza Mała and Białężyce ignored a scorching heat (over 30ºC) during their work on assembling and painting benches and planting trees around the future football pitch. This is the next stage of works. In the following days grass will be planted and new goal posts will be installed to prepare the new pitch for the ceremonial opening match.


Another meeting with residents. During this meeting we focused on: Crafter Project Status, progress of environmentally friendly solutions, recruitment issues and media information on Września, published media in relation to the construction of the factory.


Volkswagen Poznań once again invited residents to a dialogue meeting. After a short presentation, the guests went on a tour of the welding shop and the assembly department of the factory under construction. From the outside, the buildings already look like completed production halls.


On 25 and 26 November, Volkswagen Poznań, together with the District Police Headquarters in Września, conducted "Zebra" campaign. Residents of seven towns and villages located in the immediate vicinity of the newly built Volkswagen Factory learned how to behave safely on the road. Each of the visitors received reflective items that increase safety of road users.


After a few months of break, the resident could see with their own eyes the progress of the construction site of the new factory. The visit to the construction site was preceded by a short presentation on the current status of construction works.


After the site visit, the residents were invited to the VW factory in Poznań, which has been operating for more than 20 years. The visitors were presented the production process (assembling and welding shops). Taking advantage of the opportunity, the representatives of Volkswagen Poznań also talked to the residents on the directions of the social involvement of the company and local needs in this respect.


Meeting at the construction site. Another meeting with our neighbours was held at the construction site of the new Volkswagen factory in Białężyce near Września. Residents of surrounding towns and villages could see with their own eyes how the new factory is built to be ready in over one year for launching the production of a new generation of Volkswagen Crafter. Representatives of Volkswagen Poznań presented the progress of building works and further plans for the construction of the factory.


Become a supplier of Volkswagen Poznań.

We invite local entrepreneurs interested in providing services and producing parts for our new Factory. During the meeting, you will learn how to become a supplier of Volkswagen Poznań and how to register on our platform of providers. The meeting will be held on 7.07.2014.


The first talks of the "Neighbour Dialogue" with local residents are over. The meeting was attended by more than 200 people, including representatives of the local government and the Mayor of Września. The meeting was chaired by President Jens Ocksen, who presented the philosophy and strategy of our company and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand. Next talks are scheduled for July this year.


Dialogue meeting with the residents of Września municipality. In relation to the decision on locating the new VW Crafter factory in Września, Białężyce 100, we would like to invite local residents and representatives of local authorities to a meeting with representatives of Volkswagen Poznań.