Volkswagen Poznań Cares for Good Neighbour Relations

03 February 2017

The company's consultations with the representatives of Zieliniec Estate concerning the plant expansion took several years. One of the topics raised during the talks was the changes in the Land Development Plan for the Industrial Zone at Warszawska Street in Poznań.  To continue the development, secure the jobs and use their lands in an optimum way, the company must join production plant premises. This requires the closure of Smołdzinowska street, which separates the properties. The talks with the locals were also participated by the staff of Poznań University of Technology, who used vector analysis to prepare several variants of circulation system alteration, which included the proposals made by the local people and the interest of the plant. They were the variants supported by the residents of Zieliniec in mid-2013, in the voting held during the public consultation concerning the amendments to the Land Development Plan. At that auxiliary voting, 264 persons were for the alteration in the circulation system in the Zieliniec area and 193 persons were against. The turnout was 57%. The results were taken into account when adopting the amendments to the local Land Development Plan.

In July 2014, the Poznań City Council approved the Land Development Plan titled “Industrial Zone at Warszawska Street in Poznań”, which assumes that Smołdzinowska street will become an internal road of the company. Previously, the street separated the lands owned by Volkswagen, which prevented further development and expansion of the plant. Prior to adopting the amendments to the Land Development Plan, the management of Poznań factory undertook to allocate over PLN 18 million to the alteration of the circulation system in Zieliniec area. The funds will be used to build a junction of Warszawska and Sośnicka streets and to perform a comprehensive overhaul of the existing road infrastructure of Zieliniec, i.e. Sarnia, Kamieńska and Starachowicka streets.

The next meeting with the residents of Antoninek and Zieliniec will be focused on the changes in the circulation system in Zieliniec area. “We continue our talks with the locals concerning specific traffic solutions assumed by the chosen variant. We want to make sure that the new road system is adapted to the needs of the local residents to the maximum possible extent. It was obvious for us that once the Land Development Plan for the “Industrial Zone at Warszawska Street in Poznań” has been approved, we would still gladly and regularly meet our neighbours to discuss the topics that are important for us all. The dialogue with the locals is one of the foundations of our good neighbour relation strategy” – says Dietmar Mnich, Director of Antoninek Plant.

The meetings with the people living near the plants are most of all a platform for cooperation and building mutual trust. Similar meetings are also held in other locations where the company has its production plants, e.g. in Wilda or Września. „We want to make sure that we are good neighbours and an important element of the local life. Therefore, we not only meet the local residents on a regular basis, but also support the initiatives that are important for our stockholders, e.g. we take part in the local picnics or festivities, help in the development of environmental or integration activities” – says Monika Hajbowicz, Head of Communications Department at Volkswagen Poznań.