The 1st Edition of the „Volkswagen Poznan Blue Grants” competition will soon be launched! In cooperation with the Nasza Ziemia (Our Earth) Foundation, VWP has initiated an action to improve environmental awareness among people living in the vicinity of our plants in Poznan’s Wilda, Antoninek, and the Swarzedz area.
Volkswagen takes environmental issues very seriously. We take the initiative to improve environmental awareness among our own employees, as well as in our immediate vicinity. The next step in this direction is to create a grant competition aimed at the immediate areas that neighbour the VWP plants, that is the residents of Wilda, Antoninek, and Swarzedz. The grant competition is part of a social commitment strategy that the company continues to realise, even through the Mini Handball programme and also the Lake Swarzedz revitalisation.
Competition aim:
The aim of the competition is the preparation and realisation of actions in the form of a project or programme towards:
- raising awareness of environmental protection
- shaping public ecological attitudes and awareness
- promoting active ecological education in the area
- supporting local initiatives that serve to protect the environment.
Who can apply for the grant?
The „Volkswagen Poznan Blue Grants” programme consists of three independent competitions aimed at three different groups (baskets) of recipients. The first of these are primary schools, middle schools and high schools – both public and private located in the vicinity of VWP. We have devoted a pool of 6000 PLN for projects prepared by students. The second basket are our employees, who are active in organizations or associations. A condition for entering the competition is the significant participation of the team in creating or realizing a given project. We have made a pool of 6000 PLN available to them. The third competition is dedicated to non-governmental organizations, particularly associations and foundations – in this case we do not require the participation of our employees in a given undertaking. The grant pool for distribution here also amounts to 6000 PLN.
What projects can be submitted to the competition?
The motto of the competition is the broadly defined natural environment and ecology protection. We do not specify exact requirements, nor do we impose specific themes - everything depends on the creativity and capabilities of potential grantees! The only requirement is the project be implemented in the areas of Antoninek, Wilda, or Swarzedz, commencing no earlier than 01/09/2012 and lasting no longer than 31/03/2013.
Among the submitted projects can be, for example, projects related to the demarcation and marking of cycle paths, creating a green corner in school, designing and implementing energy saving ideas, or also installations that encourage the separate collection of waste. Everything therefore is in your hands (and heads)!
How to apply for the competition?
Application forms will be available for download at, and Printed forms will also be available in the BUS building. Correctly completed applications should be sent by post to: Volkswagen Poznan, ul. Warszawska 349 , 61-060 Poznan with the note „Blue Grants”. We await your projects until the end of May!
For all potential grantees, held on 25/04/2012 at 9:00 in the BUS Conference-Training Centre will be a training on grant writing. During the meeting, anyone interested will learn how to properly fill-out an application, what to pay special attention to when filling it out, and will have a chance to get answers to their questions about the competition. Moreover, we have launched the mailbox , where you can at any time send us your questions or suggestions concerning the grant programme.
We invite you to visit