From the numbers the power is born. The program of social engagement of Volkswagen Poznań employees called "1+1=3" celebrates its 10th anniversary

20 December 2018

  • Almost 60% of the employees of Volkswagen Poignant are doing charity work.
  • In 10 editions of the “1+1=3 Together means more” program the Company employees donated more than PLN600.000 to charity.


Poznań 5 December 2018 - World Volunteer Day.

For over ten years the employees of Volkswagen Poznań have been supporting charitable organizations from Poznań and Wielkopolska.

The 1+1=3 Program has been running since 2009. The 10th anniversary of the program has just begun. “1+1=3 is a simple design program. Once a year our employees vote for a charitable organization from Wielkopolska they want to support. Then, each month for 1 whole year they donate 1 PLN from their salary to that purpose. Volkswagen Poznań is the biggest employer in the region, employing 11 thousand people and from that numbers the power is born”, explains Monika Olejniczak, Communication and Compliance Department Manager.

On the World Volunteer Day we summarize what could have been changed thanks to the engagement of Volkswagen Poznań employees.  The uniqueness of this program is based on huge involvement of people. The percentage of participants varies between 60% and 90% of the total number of employees depending on the edition.

In past editions the following organizations were supported:

  • Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom z Chorobami Nowotworowymi (twice) The funds were used to purchase the specialised equipment for the Hospital no. 5 in Poznań (Szpital kliniczny K. Jonschera Uniwersytetu Medycznego K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu). The funds were also used to install a specialized lift
  • Terenowe Koło Polskiego Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Osób z Upośledzeniem Umysłowym w Kole, The funds were used for renovation of the facility
  • Stowarzyszenie Wspierania Rozwoju Transplantacji Szpiku u Dzieci. The funds were used to implement the “At the hospital I want to be with Mum” program in the Oncology, Hematology and Paediatric Transplantology of the University of Medical Sciences in Poznań.
  • Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Dzieci Specjalnej Troski im. Leszka Grajka - support for the 5th and 6th Edition of the Program. The funds were used for rehabilitation and therapy of children and people with disabilities and to purchase the required aids and equipment to streamline and adapt the children to life.
  • Dom Pomocy Społecznej dla Dzieci i Młodzieży prowadzony przez Zgromadzenie Sióstr Dominikanek w Mielżynie k. Witkowa. The funds were used to renovate the nursing home.
  • Fundacja Szlachetny Bohater. Thanks to the funds the protege Florianek was able to go to the first rehabilitation session at Centrum Hipoterapii i Rehabilitacji "Zabajka" in Stawnica. The Foundation also managed to purchase the equipment for the Franciszek Raszeja Hospital in Poznań, which are the specialised neonatal warming blankets with a control unit for neonatal patients.
  • Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Osób Niepełnosprawnych “Uśmiech Nadziei” in Łopienno. The funds were used to purchase the rehabilitation sessions for the proteges and to buy some rehabilitation equipment.
  • In the 10th anniversary edition of the program, the winner was Fundacja Tęczowa Gromada from Stare Miasto. The funds for this organization will be collected during the entire 2019.

In 2015 the 1+1=3 program was also appreciated the authorities of the City of Poznań. In the 15th edition of the competition for the title of the Poznań Volunteer of the Year the employees of Volkswagen Poznań were granted an award in the category of employee volunteering.